Synching MES/ERP/SCADA etc. with remote production equipment using HTTP/OPC/MQTT interface
Deploying industrial IoT platform through visual programming mode.
Connecting various PLC-controlled production equipment with systems, possible to make it automatic management
Ig IIoT HMI is a new generation of IIoT HMI based on traditional HMI functions and combined with cloud platform. Ig IIoT HMI could not only configurate locally, but also cross-device cloud configuration on the cloud platform. Ig IIoT HMI can realize remo
Wecon V-BOX has the features of small size and easy networking. It connects device, people and system based on the functions of IIoT. It is an induistrial intelligent gateway which can realize intelligernt control. Wecon V-BOX supports over 300 main PLC