uThe 2nd Generation IoT HMI supports remote operation and maintenance, providing convenient debugging.
uFast access speed,high display quality,reduce mobile data costs.
uSupport Multi-link for collaborative work
uA cost-effective IoT HMI.
uWith compatibility for over 300 communication protocols
uSupport major brand Free-Tag protocols protocols
uStandard Ethernet, optional 4G/WiFi
uThe 2nd Generation IoT HMI supports remote operation and maintenance, providing convenient debugging.
uFast access speed,high display quality,reduce mobile data costs.
uSupport Multi-link for collaborative work
uA cost-effective IoT HMI.
uWith compatibility for over 300 communication protocols
uSupport WECON LX6C and LX6V Free-Tag protocols
uStandard Ethernet, optional 4G/WiFi
uAdopting a quad core high performance processor, it significantly enhances data processing efficiency, delivers a smooth operation experience, and remains cost-effective.
uIt supports VB and LUA scripts, as well as RS232, RS422, and RS485, to meet diverse application needs.
uFocusing on high quality, it deeply optimizes performance and enhances user experience.
uSupport VB and LUA scripts to meet various application needs.
uWith rich communication interfaces, the serial port supports RS232, RS485, and RS422, and also offers optional CAN, Ethernet, and additional RS485 ports.